I love my job I mean backwalking is the best – have you ever tried it ?!
The deep compression as the pressure from the feet expound the thinnest wisps and reminants of breath left thereby allowing the body to fully inflate the lungs with the next round of fully oxygenated inhalation.
Back Walking is a thai massage technique I really like to implement in Yoga Massage to encourage the recipient to breathe deeply and completely thereby allowing the layers of tension to dissipate. The slow deep presssure of my feet pressing down with each exhalation and release of the pressure when I lift my foot thereby allows the body to fill up with refreshed energising oxygenated blood and in the process let go of any holding tension contracting the body/mind. The extent of the pressure causes the person to focus solely on the breathing and how it affects their bodies, ie where they feel it, no other thoughts, and thus when they turn over onto their backs after the exercise, in a supine position, the lightness and mental clarity experienced is other worldly. Joint vertebral cracks may occur if the spine is ready to release them, giving a freeing energised feeling to the recipient as prana, chi, energy is allowed to flow unimpeded, which is the ultimate aim of massage/bodywork, to unblock any stagnant pathways in the body. To experience the lightness backwalking can give email me to book your treatment.