By Appt
[email protected]
111 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0DT
Fri & Sats by appt
30mins £50 / 60mins £90 / 90mins £130
Package 3xtreatments with 15%off (3month duration)
Is a complete & unique style of massage, combining acupressure, gentle stretches, joint mobilisations & deep tissue techniques. It utilises feet, hands, thumbs, forearms, elbows & knees to manoeuvre the recipients body into passive stretches, allowing the breath to lead the movement, then let go of the body into the outbreath. TYM therapeutically facilitates the effective release of fascial restrictions, long held tension caused by stress & illness, by stimulating the organs & other parts of the body via Sen or energy line work. Eve also integrates her knowledge & regular practice of yoga within the massage.
Mainly works on the abdomen to detoxify, transform unprocessed emotions, assist digestion, remove stagnation, improve circulation & elimination and thus strengthen the body’s systems & internal organs, such as the heart, small & large intestine, lungs, liver, gall bladder, spleen/pancreas, stomach & kidneys, as well as the nervous, immune, lymphatic & circulatory systems. It can also help with structural misalignments of muscle tissue & viscera, thus aiding better posture. Gynaecological issues can be addressed as well.
I massage throughout all stages of pregnancy on a comfortable futon mainly in side & seated positions. Working on the floor is a very grounding & spacious experience. It helps me work with gravity & fluidly move with & around mum in a symbiotic dancelike flow. Before 3months the massage is more gentle with balancing energy line work & fewer stretches. In the 2nd & 3rd trimester the firmer stretching & deeper acupressure work can bring great relief. I usually work with herbal compresses, which are warmed aromatic pouches filled with nourishing herbs, applied over the body in combination with oils to encourage greater relaxation & therefore deeper more effective bodywork.
Postnatal Massage can be given within hours of the birth and 5-6 times more within the first 40days postpartum, known as the sacred healing time. It helps to put the bladder, uterus & pelvis back in place, reducing hip issues, pelvic instability and leaking energy. The massage also stimulates blood flow, cleaning, renewing, moving fluids, hormones, tonifying muscles, tissues and the immune system, thereby assisting more efficient healing. The ritual of wrapping with rebozos gives a safe containment to mum to feel nurtured and powerfully release any heavy emotions associated with the birth and motherhood.
Day to day our feet can take a pounding, often neglected no wonder they protest ! Give them the attention they deserve with this nurturing, therapeutic and wonderfully relaxing treatment, that combines some reflexology and thai massage techniques for the feet and lower legs. Warmed with oils, stretched and massaged with hands, thumbs and wooden Thai stick then wrapped in warm towels to complete. Thai Foot Massage benefits circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage, aids elimination and boosts immunity. It improves flexibility of the feet & ankles, combats stress and stress related disorders, helps insomnia, encourages function of all internal organs and can relieve, prevent and cure headaches, sinusitis and menstrual problems. A feeling of lightness, expansion and release will stay with you, uplifting and energising your whole being. With this massage you will find your Happy Feet.
Platinum Health is a company that sells Transformational 10 day Cleanses based on superfood supplements, shakes, a little food, a lot of fluids, approx 3.5 litres/day to help flush out the toxins. The products are organic, vegan, non GM and mostly gluten free – all high quality ingredients. A healthy diet can maintain optimal gut flora and harmony especially if you are aware what your system needs,as and when. But over the years the digestive system can get sluggish as our lives are harassed by stress, over-eating, wrong eating, wrong combination eating, thus affecting how well our digestive system can process, absorb and evacuate nutrients and food matter. A cleanse helps to give the digestive system a rest, clean out old stuck faecal matter, thus allowing for better more efficient processing and absorption. A cleanse is a great way to loose weight, gain more energy, feel brighter, more focused, more intuitive, calmer and thus more balanced and healthy. I distribute the cleanse and it can be purchased on the following link – It works when followed and is like pressing a reset button, although the real work happens after the cleanse when re-integrating the changes … this is key.